
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2006

O Brother, Where Art Thou?

Well, it's 12 am and I'm already tired of studying. It's possible if we consider that I can hardly sleep these days. Why? That's a good question. I'd really want to know because I'm like a zombie. And it's exams time, I cannot afford it, I need to be fresh and somehow cheerful. This weekend hasn't been really productive, one more reason to study harder now. I don't really know if Valerian works when I spent the day drinking coke not to fall asleep Well, at least they played Princess Bride Saturday night. It's funny to meet your brother in the corridor, stand still, look to one another with menacing eyes and then say "Me llamo Iñigo Montoya. Tú mataste a mi padre. Prepárate a morir." I love it. My brother and I have an incredible harmonious relationship when talking or quoting films and tv shows. We can have a perfectly normal conversation by using film quotes almost exclusively. It's amazing, sometimes even scary. And that's why

I know what I did last Summer

So, here we are, swimming through notes and notes and notes... Writing, reading, searching... This is not how student's life was supposed to be! XD But from time to time I take breaks (maybe too many, or too long ones) and yesterday I found my London blog! I spent 1 month there last summer with two friends and we wrote a kind of diary, and when I got back I put it all into a blog. But I realized there are some days left, so I'm refreshing it and posting some pics as well (a year later, well done you lazy!). I shouldn't read it, I begin to remember the great time I had there and makes me want to come back. This summer I won't be able to go anywhere, but there's still the hope of the Erasmus next year (Glasgow perhaps? ). Well, we'll see.

Can't Take My eyes Off You

Hola, tras mi incursión en el idioma anglosajón, vuelvo a vosotros en mi formato original. Ayyyy, y es que la vida está muy sosa últimamente, para mí al menos. Clase, casa, clase , casa... Y a vez ni siquiera clase... Y horas y horas delante de esta patatilla con cables (no te ofendas heart, que te loviu ). Asi como eventos a destacar, estoy yendo a un quiropráctico (Housito para los amigos) por aquello de mis famosos dolores de cuello y espalda. de momento parece que funciona, voy ahi me cruje, me recoloca, me deja hecha polvo... Pero la baja espalda ya no duele, y el cuello ya no produce crujidos acojonantes cada vez que lo muevo. Y eso, enfilando ya las últimas semanas de curso y el mes infernal (leer con voz diabólica, que si no pierde dramatismo). Lo peor de las épocas de stress (aparte de que se acumule todo en el cuello, en mi caso), es que son épocas de stress colectivo, o sea que el nerviosismo se palpa, se huele, se siente. Pero bueno, lo que hay que hacer es meterle horas, y

I'm Back! I mean... My Back!

Well, so finally I've decided to stay at home instead of going to class, a self-imposed sick leave. Those of you who don't know me should know that my neck and back are getting unbearably painful these days. So this is it, there are just 3 weeks left of this course and I'll probably go back to class at some point, but this thing has to diminish or I'll die of desperation. I don't really know what is worst: the pain itself, the feeling that it's not going better, not knowing how long this is gonna take... Oh and this never-ending strange cough does not help, especially when it attacks at night, when I need to rest.

Sunday, Bloody Sunday

Well, so another weekend having done nothing really useful. Sunday is probably the worst day of the week, even worst than Monday, I never get to do anything productive on Sunday. I'm better get to work soon because exams are there, just turning the corner and this time I want to do it well. Well, at least do it, I know myself enough to know that if I don't feel capable of handle the whole subject my only option is... not to appear on exam's day. Is there anyone who really do homework and study things day by day? Someday I'll do it (haha, yeah, right). Well, let's think positive. All I have to do is to read all the books, poems and short stories from 2 or 3 Literature subjects, then study the notes, and then do all the practice my time allows from Phonetics and Old English subjects, and a couple of essays... Not to bad huh? Well, may the Force be with me