Pin-Up Style: The Beggining

This is the second part of this series, and it's about how I started.

As I said on the previous post, on November 2015 I decided to make an order from Lindy Bop.
I got several skirts. Just skirts. Why? Because I thought it would be less "agressive" to begin with things I could match with "normal" clothes so the style was less shocking. Mistake no.1.
Based on the dress I already had, I ordered size 12. Mistake no.2. Always look at the size chart goven by the website. ALWAYS.
They arrived, I tried them on, and obviously they didn't fit. But thet mentality we all have... "Oh don't worry, I'll lose weight". Mistake no.3.

As of today, almost two years later, thay are still tight. I fully realised that the day I decided to buy clothes my size. But we will discuss that later.

Ok, so skirts. And what else?
Ideally, I should wear some top that is tight-fitting on the waist and is tucked in the skirt. But I don't have tight-fitting clothes. Or a waist, for that matter.
So I wore normal fitted t-shirts and, as it was Winter, a cardigan.
And scarcely.

Lindy Bop has the tendency to bring up a sale after the other.And so, on December I ordered again, dresses this time.
Size 12, as it was the same style I had already tried, so it would be ok.


Last summer, more dresses arrived.

This gave me the chance to be able to wear something on this style during the summer, because trying to match the skirts and looking good was impossible.
Except for one.

More into the Summer (here Summer goes from April/May to September/October) I fell in love with polo shirts.
So I went wearing t-shirts, polos and sneakers. And the dresses that fitted.

The dresses that fitted, you said?

On one of the orders, I got two Audreys in plain colours and one in b&w gingham (as shown in pictures). But oh, horror.
They were older models so the fabric was different, thinner, so they were really a size 12..
But then again, there they are, in my closet.

Anyway, here's my first year and a half. As I said, I didn't dress like this on a daily basis. I went from home to work (with uniform), and back again, so it wasn't worth it. The climate didn't help either.

I had my moments of thinking "what am I doing?", of considering stopping and going back to "normal" clothes.
But I have never been normal. For hardly anything.
I just needed to find my own way.


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