
Mostrando entradas de 2011

New Year's Resolutions

Lose 10 kilos. * Eat healthy, even if I don't lose 10 kilos. * Do exercise regularly. * Prepare my classes with time. * Finish all the craft projects I have in mind. * Use all the chances I have to sell my crafties. * Tidy up home more often. * Decorate home here and there. * Make the most of my actual wardrobe. * Not to buy more clothes until I'm slimmer. * Cook more, even though hubby doesn't like it. * Experiment with my hair (style, not color or length). * Finish all the books I have started. * Note down all the films I want to watch. * Watch all the films I want to watch. * Watch all the tv series suggested by other people (well, not all of them, but...). * Keep a record of the films I watch, in my blog, for instance. * Retake my Russian, and practice it with my aunt. * Read newspapers, or online news. This and more at http://listography.com/pennyzeta What about yours? Anything in common?

Sushi, Hobbits and Tea

Ok, so as I told you on the previous post, I had some more stuff to show you. I am basing it on my new threadless t-shirts. So, sushi . I, as most of you, was not sure at first, but thanks to the insistence of my father, I tried it and loved it! This is all the sushi-related stuff I have at home. Nori weed, wasabi paste and rice vinegar (not sure about the expiring date, though) A couple of mats for making the maki, and a bunch of chopsticks (I think I may need some more, what do you think?)  Some crockery And of course more clothing (I used to have some undies as well but they died) Well, now, Hobbits and co. We have some hobbits and Eowyn guarding our books And a cave troll and another Frodo   The Argonath guarding our CDs   Gollum feeling disoriented    And Gollum no. 2 being creepy And of course... (We have the books too, but they don't look as good as the DVDs) And last, but not leas...

Brand New Stuff

I bring you some new stuff that have entered my home lately. ("Lately" may go up to 6 months)   Well, I have this frame since January 2010, and year and a half later there it is, at last attached to a wall. Now I just have to find something nice to put in it. Where to find it? Here .   We have four frames in the living room, two are used by my boyfriend, and the other two are supposed to be for me. It has cost me more than 6 months to find a proper image for them. This is one of them, the other one, I'm still looking for something. Any suggestions? A tin calendar I bought this summer in London.  Don't you love it? Cause I do it. And I can use it forever! Here you can see four cookie cutters and a lunchbox with two sandwich cutters. I'm anxious to have a chance to use the box. All the rest has been used and with great results. Where to find them? Here and here . (You have better pictures, as mine is crap) ...

If You Wanna Be Happy... come nocilla

Sé que las comparaciones son odiosas... pero sabéis que me encantan. vs.   Yo creo que no hay color. ¿Vosotros qué creéis?

Come On, Feet

Pies, las víctimas del verano. Para muchos de vosotros este post no tiene sentido porque os veo llevar botas, zapatos, tacones, y demás calzado que os cubre parte del pie. Para mí, eso es una quimera. En cuanto empieza a hacer calor, cualquier cosa que me toque el pie, me hace rozadura irremediablemente, y si me la hace... ahí se queda hasta Septiembre, o en mi caso actual que es Alicante... hasta Octubre, incluso. Tras años de sufrimiento he ido creándome mi rutina preventiva, que pese a ser muy efectiva, no siempre lo es, porque el calor ataca de maneras insospechadas. Primero, lo que más molesta, las rozaduras . ¿Qué son? Son el resultado de la fricción entre la piel y lo que sea que lleve encima. Si añades calor a la mezcla, obtienes una rozadura casi inmediata y mucho más irritada. ¿Qué hago yo? Pues por supuesto evitar el agente rozante en la medida de lo posible. Esto quiere decir llevar un calzado lo más ligero posible, que a la vez sujete pero no apriete. Porque si aprieta l...

Tres Ensaladas para el Veranico

El verano ya está aquí y ya lleva unos días pegando fuerte. Y aunque todos (o casi todos) comemos caliente todo el año y comemos ensaladas (los que comemos) todo el año, en verano se agradece una comida fresca, pero que no sea la típica ensaladica con cuatro hojas y un tomate, sino algo más completo. He estado recopilando recetas para probar y de momento sólo he probado 2 o 3, pero las he encontrado muy apañadas, así que amantes del verdor... sé que no os ofrezco nada nuevo pero espero que os guste. Coleslaw de Isasaweis La típica ensalada de col que ponen en los restaurantes, pero en versión "light" porque cambiamos la mayonesa por yogur. 1/2 col blanca (yo utilicé lechuga iceberg y col lombarda) 2 zanahorias 2 yogures 1 cucharada de mostaza 1 cucharada de miel Aceite de oliva Vinagre de Manzana Sal y Pimienta Mezcláis los yogures, mostaza, miel. Cuando esté bien mezcladito, probáis y echáis aceite, vinagre, sal y pimienta a gusto. Si podéis dejarlo reposar un rato largo par...

February & March in Movies


Cine Familiar

Here you have a list of movies that I have seen thanks to (or because of) my father, be it for insistence, suggestion or mere chance. Jesus Christ Superstar He went to the cinema 13 times. I didn't have that pleasure, but my brother and I have watched it several hundreds of times, and it has turned out to be a part of my life more important than I would have expected. The Fiddler on the Roof Another one of his favourites, watched ad nauseam (but without nausea). I was lucky to have a father (and a mother) open to every genre and with a special predilection for musicals. He recited the intro of 'Tradition' by heart, in Spanish and in English, with an enviable Yiddish . Oliver! I forgot this one the first time. Thanks to my brother for pointing it out . Music and Dickens! Blade Runner "Hay un antes y un después de Blade Runner ". Curiously enough, I've only watched it twice or so. Queen of Africa Adorable (which is beautiful + funny). Dead Poets Club Thus began ...

Rincones del Hogar

Metafórica figura heredada de mi tía. Popurrí del Ikea con un intruso. Mi pequeño ejército personal. Meta-cocina. Idea prestada de Esther (hope you don't mind) . Pasillo bien señalizado.