The Tempest
Shakespeare meets Spamalot
Enter certain Reapers, properly habited: they join with the Nymphs in a graceful dance; towards the end whereof PROSPERO starts suddenly, and speaks; after which, to a strange, hollow, and confused noise, they heavily vanish.
Entran diversos Segadores, con sus vestidos típicos, y se reúnen con las Ninfas en una graciosa danza. Hacia el fin, PRÓSPERO se estremece de improviso y habla. Hecho lo cual, todos se desvanecen en el aire, en medio de un ruido extraño y confuso.
Finland, Finland, Finland
That's the country for me!
Finland is the country where we dance
Finland is the country where we play
Here in Finland boy and girl can find a true romance
In traditional Scandinavian vay!
Schlip! Schlap!
Schlip-a-schlap-a vay
Schlip! Schlap!
Schlap away all day
Schlip! Schlap!
You simply can't go wrong
Vith traditional fish-schlapping song
Finland, Finland, Finland
The country where I quite want to be
Pony trekking-
Or camping-
Or just watching TV
Finland, Finland, Finland
That's the country for me
I said, "England."
Y ahora no se me va la cancioncita de la cabeza xD