She's Leaving Home
Hey! I love how inconsistent I am. Anyway, as in my last post I just finished my exams, June ones this time, and very satisfied also with the results. I'll have 2 or 3 more exams on September, though. But I'll do them with my best smile upon my face because when I finish, I'll start my next year in Glasgow!!! You cannot imagine how excited I feel about it. I'm half thrilled and half terrified. We'll see how it goes. As for the rest of things... life goes on as usual, nothing new. Except my room, due to our dear neighbours we had to change all our house ¬¬ But I quite like my new room. Oh, this last weekend I went to London to see Muse live! (yes, again). I know I have to save money for my year abroad, I know I'm crazy. But I've been studying non-stop for about a month, and I was tired, and I wanted to meet those friends I cannot meet normally (damn internet!). And I don't regret it at all! It was my best gig ever! From now on I'll save all my earning...